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Saint Paul College A Community & 技术学院

Mental 健康 咨询 Services

在美国,81%的学生.S. have had their mental 健康 impact their academic performance at least one day in the past month.

* American College 健康 Association. American College 健康 Association-National College 健康 Assessment III: Undergraduate Student Reference Group Executive Summary Spring 2022. Silver Spring, MD: American College 健康 Association; 2022.

Saint Paul College offers free counseling and mental 健康 服务s to currently registered students.

要收费吗?? 不,完全免费!

我怎么和你见面? 你可以打651给我们.350.3035, 电子邮件我们, 填写推荐表格, or stop by one of our offices. We will set up a meeting on your schedule.


The 咨询 and Mental 健康 team of Saint Paul College provides mental 健康 服务s. Mental 健康 support can help you achieve your acade​mic and personal goals. We provide support unique to you. We understand that we all experience trauma and stress which can affect us at different times. We help you find ways to manage symptoms and issues.

The counselors and therapists provide short-term, brief mental 健康 counseling. 没有成本. We may provide education about an issue, 教授应对策略, treat a mental 健康 condition, 危机中的帮助, and provide referrals for short-term or ongoing needs of any kind.

我们可以帮助缓解压力, 焦虑, 情绪的困难, 物质使用, coping with situations and transitions, 事业和工作斗争, 悲伤和失落, family and relationship issues, 易怒, 愤怒. There can be many others that are still within our scope. 请伸出援手.

We also reach out to all the Saint Paul college employees about the emotional needs of our students. We offer education and consultation.

Students with the following concerns will likely need a different level of care than what is within the role and scope of our 服务s:

  • Students who appear to need long-term treatment beyond the scope listed above
  • Students who need other types of 服务s
  • Students who need 服务s beyond our clinical expertise
  • Students who are unable to comply with treatment
  • Students who are already receiving therapy with another mental 健康 provider

再说一次,有 免费 for our mental 健康 服务s.

Additional Saint Paul College 服务s that may also be useful:

Student Resilience Project
The Student Resilience Project is an online resource developed to encourage wellness by helping you explore 健康y ways to manage stress and increase your sense of belonging. The website features videos, 技能培训活动, resources and information including podcasts by experts.

Student Resilience Project

Select the "Let’s Get Started" option beneath the video. 访问代码-圣保罗

If someone is in crisis, please call or text 988. If it’s an emergency, please call 911.

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